Monday, November 28, 2011

Fall prevention for PAIN PREVENTION

Falls should be prevented at all costs for those who want to prevent pain. This is true at any age. So here are some common risk areas for falls.

1.  Wet floors (bathroom, kitchen, restaurants, stores).
2.  Walking in the dark (walking to bathroom in the middle of the night, walking outside in unlit areas)
3.  Walking in the rain, ice or snow.
4.  Walking too fast or being in a rush.
5.  Doing multiple tasks at once (carrying something while reaching for something else and turning at the same time)
6.  Stairs.
7.  Doorways.
8.  Curbs.
9.  Changing ground surfaces (from sidewalk to grass or tile to carpet, etc.)
10. Obstacles/objects on the floor in your home.
11. Getting in/out of bathtub or shower.
12. Sitting down/standing up carelessly.
13. Walking/running on uneven surfaces.

So start thinking about SAFETY and FALL PREVENTION today! Your body will thank you.

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