Monday, December 26, 2011


1. Drink more water! It is calorie-free and actually burns calories.
2. Eat more fruits/vegetables. Try to eat 5 servings every day.
3. Eat less red meat. Replace it with white meat, fish and/or legumes (pinto beans, kidney beans, lentils, etc).
4. Exercise more! Start a habit of exercise in your daily life. If you presently do not exercise, think of ways to exercise at least 1-2x/week. If you exercise 1-2x/week, work up to 4x/week. If you exercise 4x/week, work up to 6x! Try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise each time.
5. Eat less processed foods. They are full of preservatives and sodium.
6. Squat more! This will build up your leg strength and save your back! Squat whenever you reach down to the floor. Keep your back straight when you do.
7. Stand up straight. It will make you look taller!
8. Start off your morning with a healthy breakfast. Eat it soon after you wake up.
9. Take the stairs.
10. Park in the first parking place you see.
11. Don't lie down if you can sit. Don't sit if you can stand. Don't stand if you can walk. Don't walk if you can run. Some people are paralyzed and wish they could run. So don't take it for granted.
12. Find someone to work out with. You can motivate each other!

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