Tuesday, December 27, 2011

BALANCE for Pain Prevention

Balance exercise helps to strengthen your legs and core, which helps to decrease your risk for joint pain and injuries. So here is one way I add balance exercise to my usual routine.

First, pick a standing activity that takes you at least one-two minutes (for me, it is blow-drying my hair, which takes much longer). Next time you do that activity, do so by standing on one leg. See if you can hold that position for at least 30 seconds before you switch legs. If you do not have good balance, be sure to stand close to a table or counter so you can catch yourself. Be careful not to fall. If you lose your balance, you can always touch your other foot down and then start again.

Once you are good at balancing on one leg and can do so for 30-60 seconds easily, here is the next step. Stand on your left leg and slowly kick your right leg straight out to the side. Kick slowly (about 1-2 seconds up and 1-2 seconds back down). Do not kick very high (about 2 feet). Repeat at least 10x on each side (try to not use arm support if you can do so safely). This exercise is great for improving balance and hip muscle strength!


  1. I like this one because I can even do it while in the elevator at work! I haven't lost my balance yet!

  2. What a great idea! I honestly never thought about doing that one in the elevator! Thanks for the comment Karen!
