Friday, January 13, 2012

Chocolate DIET

I love chocolate, and so does my husband. But I tend to eat it more than he does because he has more self-control. So I bought him three bags of his favorite chocolate and put them in his Christmas stocking. With all of us munching on them, I am proud to say that several weeks after Christmas, the chocolate is not eaten up yet.

He said something to me yesterday that I was very surprised to hear. I asked why he didn't take one of the bags to work.

"Do you know how tempting it is to eat chocolate all day when you have a desk job? I don't want to get fat!"

This was funny to me because he is and has always been very slim. He pretty much eats whatever he wants and still stays slim. But it made sense. It is the same reason I typically try to keep tempting desserts out of the house. Whenever they are here, I end up eating most of them. And he gets a few, occasional bites.

So try his chocolate DIET and don't keep it around your desk.


  1. I just have some chocolate mints at my desk and limit myself to just one after lunch. I think that's pretty good. The tempting thing is when others bring in the bakery or cookies! I know sugar is my enemy, but it's just so hard not to give in.

  2. That shows major self-discipline! Good job! The same is true for me whenever there are sweets in the office. There are times of the year that it can't be avoided. But the biggest weakness for a lot of people is snacking at home.
