Friday, January 6, 2012


So you have decided to lose weight this year, but you have no idea how to get started. You have tried many diets in the past, but they do not work for you. Or you have trouble sticking to them. So here are some suggestions. These are also great tips for those who want to have a healthier lifestyle, regardless of their weight.

1. Cut out fried foods. If you have a habit of eating them more than 1-2x/week, that is too much! Either cut them out completely or decrease them significantly (maybe to 1x/week or less).
2. Add more fish to your diet. At least 1-2x/week have 6 oz of fish (salmon fillet is my fish of choice).
3. Snack on nuts instead of carbs. Just be careful to check the serving sizes of nuts. Almonds are a great choice!
4. Eat a garden salad at the start of every dinner (and check the serving size of the salad dressing).
5. Cook from scratch so that you control and know the ingredients in your meals. Eat out less, and eat fewer frozen or processed foods.
6. Make sauces from vegetables instead of cream/gravy (basil pesto, marinara sauce, salsa, or my favorite: green tomatilla salsa).
7. Calculate how much you spend weekly on different kinds of groceries and modify the problem areas. Work toward 20% on fruits/vegetables, 15% on lean dairy, 25% on lean meat, 20% on whole grains, 10% on boxed/canned goods and <10% on snacks.
8. Start a regular EXERCISE routine! If you join a gym, plan ahead the days/times you will regularly go.
9. Wear a pedometer and try to increase your steps by >25%. 10,000 steps/per day should be your minimum.
10. Don't get obsessed with weight loss and weighing yourself. Just weigh in 1x/week.


  1. I like these suggestions and have started eating fish now once a week since I found some pre-cooked Salmon at Giant Eagle that all I have to do is heat up. YUM!

  2. I love it! For a long time I did not like salmon but now it is one of my favorites! Keep it up Karen!

  3. Great tips! I recommend the most number 8. Doing sport will increase you health and will help you with weight loss also.
