Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year! As you think about your resolutions for this year, I hope they include some healthy ones! Even if you do not need to lose weight, there are other areas of health that you could consider improving. Mine is to run the Cooper River Bridge 10K race in Charleston, SC this year. Some family members told me they were doing it, so of course I jumped on board!

I already exercise several times per week, so I am just going to modify my workouts to train for the race. I typically do the treadmill and/or bike for cardio, machine weights/free weights for strengthening, and a little flexibility at the end of each workout. I can already run 3 miles, so now I will work up to 4, 5 and 6 miles in the next 8-10 weeks. My average pace has been 6.8 mph, so my goal is to increase that to 7.5 mph. If I run at that pace for 6.2 miles, I will finish the race in under 51 minutes (which is my goal).

To make healthy changes in your life, you need specific, realistic goals! Here are some good examples.

1. To lose 1 lb. per week for 10 weeks by joining a weight loss program.
2. To walk my dog 30 minutes/day, 5x/week.
3. To decrease my ice cream intake to 2x/week.
4. To join a gym for 1 month and go there >3x/week.
5. To replace 1 soda per day with water.

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