Saturday, January 7, 2012

How does a P.T. think?

Today I was making some videos for you all about body mechanics. I will be editing and posting them soon, so stay tuned! But it brought to mind how good body mechanics is second nature for me. For my patients (or family members), it takes much more effort and thought. So let me explain how a P.T. thinks:

1. Every time I need to reach down to the floor or to a lower height, I always squat or do the golfer's grab.
2. Every time I run, I think about avoiding foot and knee pain.
3. Every time I pick up my kids, I squat.
4. Every time I lift up something, I make sure I am in a safe lifting position.
5. With every chore, I consider my technique and body mechanics.
6. Every time I sit, I check my posture.
7. Whenever I go to the gym, I think about everyone's technique, especially if it puts him/her at risk for PAIN.
8. I watch how people walk and analyze what orthopedic problems they may have.

The list could go on, but you get the idea. So until it becomes second nature to you, here are two suggestions. First, listen to your body. You will feel your back straining when you bend the wrong way. If there is a task that always causes you pain, modify it! Secondly, do what a P.T. would do! If someone were videotaping the way you do that task, would it be a good or bad ergonomics example?

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