Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Willpower, Exercise Priority and Why Dieting Does Not Work

When you are trying to lose weight, it will be impossible unless you learn to demonstrate willpower in regards to food. You can make it easier on yourself by not having your favorite snack foods in the house, but at some point the food will stand before you, and you will have a choice. Indulge or have the willpower to say no? Think about what you do on January 2 when you see a plate of brownies in the break room. "No, thanks--my New Year's resolution is to lose 10 pounds." It is easy in January because you are motivated, you just set a goal, and everyone is doing it. But what about the rest of the year, long after your co-workers have given up? Saying no to food means that you have control over your mind and body. You can choose to say no, even though you may have never done so before. And depending on your weight loss goals and eating habits, you may need to say no forever! Having the willpower to avoid overeating will become a habit if you do it consistently, so try it daily for 30 days.

Making Exercise a Priority
If you have tried multiple diets over the years but never keep the weight off, you may simply need to stick to one program long-term and add in more EXERCISE! Exercise must become a top priority on your daily to-do list. If not, it will easily get pushed aside, and you will not do it enough to help achieve and maintain your weight loss. So how do you make exercising a priority consistently? Build it into your daily routine; do it at the same time every day. Don't give yourself the option of skipping. What are the activities that you do every day? How can you modify your busy life in order to add something for your own health? Try adding exercise to one of your other usual activities, such as watching TV (on the treadmill) or playing with your kids (taking them for a walk).

Exercise Specifics
Exercise long enough (>30-40 minutes) and hard enough (you should be sweating and breathing moderately hard)! Challenge yourself by increasing your speed and intensity of cardio. Progressively increase your repetitions and/or weights for your strength training. If you are new to exercising, start at 15-20 minutes of mild-moderate exercise, then increase in 5-minute increments. As your body adjusts, you will be able to work out for longer and at a faster pace. If you have the time, ideally try to increase your exercise to one hour per day, 6x/week. This should include both cardio and strength training. This is especially important for weight loss because it helps to burn calories, build muscle tone, and boost your metabolism!

Eating thin!
Lastly, think about the thin people you know. What are their eating and exercising habits? Many thin people may have genetically high metabolisms, but many also work at it! And in general, it is safe to say that they eat in moderate amounts and are likely pretty active individuals.

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